Brand Development.
At Wicked Marketing Services we provide cutting-edge creative and marketing innovations for small to medium size business clients in all fields of media. Building a world-class brand doesn’t happen by chance. It’s a purposeful endeavor that is rooted in the fusion of disciplined, strategic thinking and unencumbered creativity. The result is brand strategy, story and experience that’s elegantly simple, unexpectedly fresh, and an asset that drives your business ahead.

Great brand strategies are grounded in the truth of an organization-its legacy, unique capabilities and opportunities. We apply this to build a strategic platform that uniquely captures who you are. Some of the creative services that we off to help you build your brand are:

Marketing Strategies

Personnel Management

Campaign Development & Execution

Media relations

Strategic & tactical initiatives
Product Positioning


Production of commercials, film, and radio
Product Development

Web Writing

Creative Direction
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