Television & Radio.
There is no other way to get a creative message in front of a mass audience quicker than with television. With over 10 years of experience, our knowledge allows us to know what our TV station and Network partners are capable of providing to us with price and added value opportunities. We know the importance of negotiating additional added value that can help distribute product, becoming a part of a station promotion or get more TV units during the buy.

Our reputation and relationships in the industry put us on the inside track for unique opportunities that will deliver greater value. We use our proven buying strategies to customize, execute, and track a plan that will help you reach your target audience in a more meaningful way, which will lead to more sales of your product.

• Network TV
• Cable TV and Satellite Networks
• Spot TV and Spot Cable TV
• Direct Response TV
Radio listenership remains strong as commute times for consumers continue to grow in markets across the country. Radio also provides a great way to reach younger demographics as they listen to the radio while working on their laptops or peruse social media. Nearly all in-home radio listenership occurs while the consumer is engaged in another medium – whether it is reading a magazine or newspaper or working online. Radio still remains the best way to reinforce frequency of the message against the right target audience. Wicked Marketing Services works in close partnership with our network and station partners, so our clients receive the best placement on national, regional and local radio.

• National Networks
• Syndicated Radio Programming
• Local Market/Spot Radio
• Direct Response Radio
• Wired and Unwired Radio Networks
• Specialty Networks (Sirius/XM Radio, Metro Traffic & Weather Networks)
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