Media Planning & Buying.
We believe there are fundamental issues that need to be clearly understood and jointly agreed upon early in the media planning process to assure that a sound, results-oriented plan is prepared and executed.

Principals among these are:
A thorough understanding of the advertising message being supported and the communication goals of the messaging

Precise understanding of the Target Audience – including demographic, psychographic and available behavioral characteristics of the target consumer

Understanding of the Pro’s and Con’s of each media option available by market and how they are aligned with the target prospect

Knowledge of the costs and efficiencies of the media options under consideration

Clear articulation of budgets, flight dates, timing and competitive messaging

Knowledge of the competitors in the marketplace

Once the planning parameters are established, we will:
Translate goals into media objectives and strategies

Define Target Audience in terms that will allow for media metrics and analysis

Develop budget allocation strategy by market, by communication initiative and by target segment

Identify and analyze all appropriate media vehicles

Prepare detailed plan

Once the media plan is approved, we facilitate the buy. Whether it is broadcast, print, digital, outdoor or any other medium, many of the parameters and the preliminary objectives are the same. Due diligence on our client’s behalf is essential to buying the right mediums for our campaigns. We make the purchase as if it was our own.
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